Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Sydney Uni launches Reading Australian Literature program

Sydney Uni launches Reading Australian Literature program

Australian authors will reflect on their favourite Australian literary titles and discuss their value to society in a new series of public lectures at the University of Sydney.
The inaugural Reading Australian Literature series will be co-presented by the School of Letters, Arts and Media at the University of Sydney in the latter half of 2014. The speakers include Michelle de Kretser, who will discuss Jessica Anderson’s ‘marvellous evocation of Sydney’ in Tirra Lirra by the River (Picador); Drusilla Modjeska, who will explore Randolph Stow’s ‘underrated’ Visitants (UQP); and Fiona McFarlane, who will reveal her ‘bodily reaction’ to Patrick White’s The Aunt’s Story (Vintage).
To register for the free lectures, visit the University of Sydney website here.

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