Patrick White Literary Award winner Brian Castro recalls his encounter with the grumpy neighbour
Brian Castro is a modest man who believes "I kind of fit" the Patrick White Literary Award, which White established with his Nobel Prize money for an Australian writer deserving of greater recognition.
Castro received the $24,000 award in Sydney on Friday for his "outstanding contribution to Australian literature, his continued willingness to take imaginative risks and be 'blackly playful', and his evident potential to produce more significant work".
Castro recalled his long if invisible connection with White. At their first encounter he was a 12-year-old at boarding school, helping at the Castle Hill Show and "playing the fool" with a megaphone.
"A very grumpy man from across the road came over to berate us for the noise, and then someone said he was 'a writer or something', though no one knew his name ... I believe they said he's won a prize for his novel The Roman Chariot."
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