Monday, May 26, 2014

Migratory bush birds presentation - Sydney -- 31 May 2014

Migratory bush birds presentation - Sydney

Holly's picture
Saturday, 31 May, 2014 - 14:30
‘Migratory bush birds and climate change in the Sydney Region’
a presentation by Peter and Judy Smith.
Saturday 31 May, 2.30pm at the Environmental Education Centre, Field of Mars Reserve. Hosted by Ryde Hunters Hill Flora and Fauna Preservation Society                     
Find out more about those noisy birds that sometimes visit your suburb during summer. Why do they come? Are they changing their visiting times?
Peter and Judy are consultant ecologists, familiar with changes in bird records in Sydney and the Blue mountains over the past four decades. Since the 1980s, they have analysed the changes in arrival and departure dates of migratory bush birds at their Blaxland home, with the results recently published in the journal Emu in 2012. These results will be presented in their talk on 31 May. Peter and Judy are also familiar with changes in bird records for the lower Lane Cove River valley where they lived before their move to Blaxland.
There will be an opportunity for questions.
Further enquiry: via email: or phone: Brigid on 9816 3168.

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